Didn’t make it to our Adult Advice and Enrolment Events? Still looking to find out more about the wide range of Adult courses we have on offer?

It’s not too late to find out more and enrol!

Simply use the form below to arrange a call back and someone will be in touch to discuss your options.

Courses may even be FREE!

Call Back Form - Adults

    You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To do this please email marketing@nelsongroup.ac.uk


Are you currently in Year 11 and starting to think about your options for when you leave school? Come along to our Open Event on Wednesday 10 November from 5.30pm – 7.30pm to find out more about College life, and to explore which programme is going to help you reach your aspirations.  A Quiet Hour for SEND students is available from 4.30 – 5.30, please ring to book.

The event is a fantastic opportunity for students to get a feel for life as an Accrington and Rossendale College student. Join us on the night to:

  • Find out about the wide range of options available to you at ARC – from T Levels, Vocational programmes and Apprenticeships
  • Tour our campus and view our top class facilities
  • Meet our expert tutors and students, as well as our Careers Team
  • Learn about our diverse extracurricular offer
  • Find out about travel and the support available to you at ARC

And much more!

If you have any questions, please contact our Admissions Team on 01282 440272/ admissions@nelsongroup.ac.uk

Register using the form below:

We are hosting a Drop In Evening Enrolment on Wednesday 25 August from 4pm – 7pm for parent/guardians and their young people. We appreciate it’s an uncertain and unusual time right now and that making important decisions about a young person’s future can be daunting. It’s a big transition from school to College, and we want to help make this step easier by offering young people with all the support and advice they might need and to help get them on a course that is right for them.

Our students have achieved amazing results again this year. We are so proud of their successes, particularly during these challenging times. This year we are celebrating:

100% A Level Pass Rate

97% of students achieved at least one A*- C  

86.5% of students achieved at least one A*- B

55.5% of students achieved at least one A*- A  

100% Advanced Vocational Pass Rate

We can’t wait to see you

at our College! If you are unable to come into College to enrol and would like to enrol via phone or you have chosen to study elsewhere then don’t hesitate to email admissions@nelsongroup.ac.uk or call us on 01282 440 272.

Not yet applied to study? It’s not too late!


Come along to our Enrolment Event at Accrington and Rossendale College on either Thursday 12 August between 10am – 7pm or Friday 13 August between 10am – 4pm and speak to our expert tutors and enrol to study with us from September.

There’s no need to register, just head down to the College between the times and dates as specified above.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Join us at our Adult Enrolment Event!

You will be able to:

  • Learn about our wide range of courses to suit all abilities at different levels
  • Meet our expert tutors
  • Get help with fees and finance and how you may be able to study for FREE*
  • Explore our flexible study options to fit around your home and work life

Our Professional Qualifications can help you UPSKILL | RETRAIN | FIND WORK

Whether you are pursuing education to improve your career possibilities or looking to find a profession you are passionate about; or learn something new. We can help you with your future aspirations.

Learn more about the courses we have on offer by clicking here or download our Professional Qualifications Guide.

*Depending on your personal circumstances. Funding options and loans are also available

Dates available:

Wednesday 8 September, 4pm – 7.30pm
The Waterside Centre, St James Court West, St James Street, Accrington, BB5 1NA

Thursday 9 September, 4pm – 7.30pm
Accrington and Rossendale College, Sandy Lane, Accrington, BB5 2AR

We will also be holding Adult Enrolment Events at Nelson and Colne College.

Register using the form below:

Join us at our Adult Advice and Enrolment Event!

You will be able to:

  • Learn about our wide range of courses to suit all abilities at different levels
  • Meet our expert tutors
  • Get help with fees and finance and how you may be able to study for FREE*
  • Explore our flexible study options to fit around your home and work life

Our Professional Qualifications can help you UPSKILL | RETRAIN | FIND WORK

Whether you are pursuing education to improve your career possibilities or looking to find a profession you are passionate about; or learn something new. We can help you with your future aspirations.

Learn more about the courses we have on offer by clicking here or download our Professional Qualifications Guide.

*Depending on your personal circumstances. Funding options and loans are also available

Date available:

Wednesday 8 September, 4pm – 7.30pm
The Waterside Centre, St James Court West, St James Street, Accrington, BB5 1NA

We will also be holding Adult Advice and Enrolment Events in the evening at Accrington and Rossendale College and Nelson and Colne College.

Register using the form below:

Join us at our Adult Advice and Enrolment Event!

You will be able to:

  • Learn about our wide range of courses to suit all abilities at different levels
  • Meet our expert tutors
  • Get help with fees and finance and how you may be able to study for FREE*
  • Explore our flexible study options to fit around your home and work life

Our Professional Qualifications can help you UPSKILL | RETRAIN | FIND WORK

Whether you are pursuing education to improve your career possibilities or looking to find a profession you are passionate about; or learn something new. We can help you with your future aspirations.

Learn more about the courses we have on offer by clicking here or download our Professional Qualifications Guide.

*Depending on your personal circumstances. Funding options and loans are also available

Dates available:

Wednesday 1 September, 4pm – 7.30pm
Accrington and Rossendale College, Sandy Lane, Accrington, BB5 2AR

Wednesday 8 September, 10.30am – 4.30pm
The Waterside Centre, St James Court West, St James Street, Accrington, BB5 1NA

Thursday 9 September, 4pm – 7.30pm
Accrington and Rossendale College, Sandy Lane, Accrington, BB5 2AR

We will also be holding Adult Advice and Enrolment Events at Nelson and Colne College.

Register using the form below:



Following on from the Government’s announcement that we are now in a national lockdown we are unable to offer face to face appointments for this event.

However, we are still here to help you make the right choices. To speak to one of our expert tutors please complete the short form below and we will arrange a call back for you.

Whether you would like to enhance your career prospects, get back into education after a break, or are looking to find a new hobby or leisure course we have a range of programmes on offer for you to choose from.


Call Back Form

    You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To do this please email marketing@nelsongroup.ac.uk